Costs of owning a glider

1. Cage: Around $250

2. Wheel: Around $50

3. Cage Set (fleece): Around $30

4. Toys: Around $50

5. Food: Initially around $30, mine levels out to $9.73 a month

6. Vet: Around $100 for fecals and check. 

            Around $150 for neuter

            Possible emergencies that can add up quick and be very expensive

7. Tent: I got mine for 40, but we will just say 100

8. Gliders: Around between 250-3,000 from grey to creme-ino's, mosiacs ect. depends on area

Assuming 2 classic grey female gliders we have: $1,110

I would high ball it around $1,500 but it could cost just that much for a single glider depending on color. And it would cost more if you needed males neutered.

Recurring costs: 

Food- if made in monthly batches it will recur monthly

Cage set- around 6 months if washed properly

Vet- yearly for checkups, or more if glider gets sick or hurt

Toys- around every year if washed properly

Wheels and cage will last a long time if you choose good ones, if you don't sooner or later there will be an upgrade

Gliders 8-12 years if cared for properly.

Glideritis - Priceless  Will probably lead to the purchase of more gliders and will definitely lead to becoming a Glider Slave